Top 6 Ways to Get Rid of Acne - Vitabowl

Top 6 Ways to Get Rid of Acne

Suffering from Acne is the worst feeling one can experience as it not only damages your skin but it also harms one's self-image and confidence level, affecting major aspects of life. To do away with the side effects of acne, it is important to understand the nature of acne.

1. What is Acne?

Also known as pimples, acne is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition resulting in spots and small bumps on the body including face, shoulders, back, neck, chest, and upper arms. In other words, pimples occur when hair follicles plug with oil and dead skin cells. Each pore of skin is connected to sebaceous (oil) gland which generates a substance known as sebum. Overflow of sebum plug up pores resulting in the growth of a bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes or P. acnes. The major reason for skin inflammation and acne is caused when white blood cells attack P. acnes. Factors contributing to the onset of acne can be of genetics, diet, stress and imbalance of hormones.

Major types of acne cover blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, cysts, and nodules. Acne is very common in teenagers and young people. However, it may occur at any stage of life with the activation of sebaceous (oil) glands.

In this blog, we are discussing effective remedies that will help you to get rid of the suffering of acne. By following the tips mentioned in the blog, you will be able to celebrate your healthy skin that shines with your personality.

The treatment of acne depends on the severity and persistency of acne. Moreover, menstrual cycles in females, humid climates, oil-based makeup and squeezing pimples are reasons for getting more acne. If you are using over-the-counter solutions for your pimple treatment and yet not getting any benefits from it, you should consult a doctor on an immediate basis.

Here are some tips that will help you to improve your skin health

2. Don't touch your skin too much

When you have acne, you may feel irritation and itching around it which leads to more infections and severity of acne. Many people think that popping pimples will help them to get rid of it but that is not the case. Actually, it worsens the condition.

3. Use medications properly

If you are using any treatment then follow all the directions as suggested. For example, if you are applying a cream, use it all over your skin than just scrubbing it where you have pimples. This will prevent further advancement of pimples. Another very popular treatment of acne is Apple Cider Vinegar which can be used in the form of liquid or tablets. If your skin is too sensitive to handle the burns of using ACV liquid directly to your skin, Apple Cider Vinegar tablets or capsules are the best options to get better skin health.

4. Wash your clothes regularly

Your clothes, pillowcase, bed sheets, napkins and towel will have dead skin cells and bacteria that clog your pores, developing more acne. Alter your bed sheet and pillowcase at least twice in a week. To eliminate the further growth of acne, it is better to practice frequent wash of your surroundings that have been in contact with your acne-skin.

5. Use premium skin products

Another thing to consider is your skin products. Look for the products which have labels like “won’t clog pores”, “Non-comedogenic”, “Non-acnegenic”, and “Oil-free”. Such products will help you in maintaining a good state of your skin while preventing acne.

6. Reduce stress levels

Many people experience the relationship between their stress level and acne. To lower the stress levels in your life, get regular sleep of 8 hours, perform physical activities, practice Yoga and meditation and enjoy soothing sounds frequently. Exercising regularly endorses the healthy state of skin with better blood circulation. Not only that but exercising also regulates hormonal levels. It is recommended for an adult to do half an hour of exercise four times a week which may include activities like walking, hiking, running and cycling. Many women notice the acute occurrence of pimples before, during or after the menstrual cycle; in such conditions, it happens because of hormonal changes.


Treatment of acne can be tricky sometimes as there are no certain causes of acne and not each treatment works equally on everybody. You need to find the factor causing your acne and then treat it accordingly by understanding how your body reacts to a treatment. Stick to one particular treatment at least for four weeks to see some improvement, changing the mode of treatment frequently may worsen the condition. If you see no or minor results after using over-the-counter treatment, you should consult a dermatologist for further treatment.
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